
Scientists have found element unknown still

Сornea Layer 


Unknown earlier
It would seem that on light there is nothing, the existence of medicine studied during all the time so in detail and carefully, as body of the person. But scientists from university of Nottingham (University of Nottingham), conducting researches of structure of eye of the person, corneas have come across layer of cornea of eye unknown earlier. Thickness of this layer makes only 15 microns that will explain that fact why this layer has not been found earlier. The new layer is located behind cornea cover, between stroma layer (cornea basis) and back boundary membrane (Descemete cover). The new layer has received the name of layer of Due in honor of professor of ophthalmology Harminder Due who is his pioneer.

Opening, Important for ophthalmology 


Eye tracking shutterstock
"This opening rather important for medicine and ophthalmology which will demand that some textbooks have been copied again, and some - are added. Having found and having studied new layer in depths of tissues of cornea, we will be able to exploit its availability, for example, to perform operations in the face of the person safer and more effective" - professor Harminder Due tells, - "There are some diseases of the eyes tied with cornea, and new knowledge will allow us to look at them under another aspect, to understand the reasons of their emergence and to find more suitable methods of their treatment". The cornea of human eye represents transparent "lens" in front part of eye through which light gets in eye. As was considered earlier, the cornea consists of five layers, endothelium of cornea, descemete cover, stroma of cornea, Boumen's layer and epithelium.

 "How did it happen?" the doctor asked the middle-aged farmhand as he set the man's broken leg. "Well, doc, 25 years ago..." "Never mind the past! Tell me how you broke your leg this morning." "Like I was saying... 25 years ago, when I first started working on the farm, that night, right after I'd gone to bed, the farmer's beautiful daughter came into my room. She asked me if there was anything I wanted. I said, "No, everything is fine." "Are you sure?" she asked. "I'm sure," I said. "Isn't there anything I can do for you???" she wanted to know. "I reckon not," I replied. "Excuse me," said the doctor, "What the hell does this story have to do with your broken leg?!?!?" "Well, this morning," the farmhand explained, "when it dawned on me what she meant, I fell off the roof!

Is known only that 


See Through My Eyes
The new layer has been found by means of the tiny vials of air entered between known layers of cornea of eye of the person. These researches were conducted on corneas of eyes of people which the bodies after death for the sake of science have offered, and the purpose of these researches was development of new technologies and methods of change, transplantation, different parts of cornea of eye. The role which plays layer of Due in eye cornea, is still clear not up to the end. Only that material of this layer has high rigidity and high mechanical durability is known, its availability allows cornea of eye to maintain pressure from 1.5 to 2 millibars. And further researches of layer of Due will allow scientists to learn even more about features of structure of eyes of the person and to review origins of some ophthalmologic diseases which can be connected with defects of layer of Due.

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